Música da semana - Lançamento Preview Lighten Set DJYeshi

Música da semana - Lançamento Preview Lighten Set DJYeshi LightenSet Preview by DJYeshi

domingo, 16 de janeiro de 2011

10 Songs Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | Billboard.com

This long weekend, millions across America celebrate a man whose contributions to the political sphere of our country are innumerable. And over the years, the musical sphere of America has become filled with songs inspired by or dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now, the Billboard.com staff counts down our favorites among those songs, from the sobriety of U2's "MLK" to the unfettered optimism of Springsteen's "We Shall Overcome." Happy MLK Day!

Pride In The Name Of Love
U2 (1984)

If listeners have any doubt that Martin Luther King Jr. is the subject of "Pride (In the Name of Love)," Bono's lyrics three minutes in drive the point home: "Early morning, April 4/Shot rings out in the Memphis sky/Free at last, they took your life/They could not take your pride." However, history buffs will note that the song, which was the lead single off U2's 1984 album "The Unforgettable Fire," contains a factual error -- MLK's assassination took place in the early evening, rather than the early morning. But that didn't matter to music fans -- the Edge's guitar jangle at the beginning of "Pride (In the Name of Love)" is one of the most recognizable riffs of the era.

next: Public Enemy's "By The Time I Get To Arizona"

10 Songs Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | Billboard.com

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