Música da semana - Lançamento Preview Lighten Set DJYeshi

Música da semana - Lançamento Preview Lighten Set DJYeshi LightenSet Preview by DJYeshi

quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011

Britney Spears Vs. Lady Gaga: The Final Results

It's the moment you've all been waiting for... After millions of votes, cries of foul play, and a controversial but necessary do-over, we finally have a winner to our Britney Vs. Gaga song poll, and this time it wasn't even close.

Britney Spears fans spoke loud and clear and named "Hold It Against Me" the overwhelming favorite with a whopping 68.7% of the vote. Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" took 26.7% of the votes. And 4.6% of Billboard.com visitors said they liked both songs and wished we could all just get along.

Despite the numbers, we're sure Lady Gaga isn't sweating it. Last week, "Born This Way" became the 1000th No. 1 song in the history of the Hot 100 chart. And just last night (Feb. 21), she ruled New York's Madison Square Garden, filming a special for HBO that had Paul McCartneyBillie Joe Armstrong, and other celebs putting their paws up.

At the same time, Britney Spears is whetting fans' anticipation of her new album, "Femme Fatale" (due March 29); "Hold It Against Me" is also a Hot 100 chart-topper, and over the weekend she leaked two new songs, "Inside Out" and "I Wanna Go."

With so much more in store in 2011, we're sure the Britney vs. Gaga saga is far from over, but one thing is clear: these two leading ladies will keep pop music interesting for a long time to come.

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